Above all else, we desire to make disciples of Jesus who experience the love, joy, and peace that come from following him. The first step in that process is reaching those who don’t know him with the good news of who he is and what he has done. There are a number of ways we do that.

Personal Evangelism
Telling others about Jesus is something we are all called to do, but this can be a daunting responsibility. This is especially true when it comes to our close friends and family members.
We are committed to encouraging and equipping each other for evangelism. We offer a variety of resources, including books and special classes. While there are a variety of good evangelism methods out there, our most important priority is helping each other understand the gospel and connect it to the lives of those who don’t know Jesus.

Missions Offerings
We also serve the cause of gospel proclamation through the Cooperative Program of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) as well as the collection of three offerings coordinated by the SBC that support the work of missions within Texas, the United States, and throughout the world. Through our partnership with the SBC, we are able to participate in the preaching of the gospel to communities we could never reach on our own.
Cooperative Program
Each year, we designate a percentage of our regular financial gifts for the Cooperative Program, which then connects those funds with Southern Baptist missions and ministries.
Special Offerings
We also support missions through three annual offerings: the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering, the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering, and the Mary Hill Davis Offering. 100% of these offerings directly support the work of missionaries and their families.
Women On Mission
Women On Mission is a great opportunity for the women of our church, aged 18 or older, to support missions. The group provides opportunities to learn about and participate in missions through special programs, guest speakers, and mission projects. It meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 10:30 on our campus.