1-on-1 Discipleship
Small Groups

Prayer is an essential part of our life in Christ. Through prayer we express our hearts to God while He turns our hearts to Him, reminding us that nothing is impossible for Him and that we can trust Him completely.
Prayer is part of just about all of our activities as a church. It’s central to our worship gatherings, small groups, 1-on-1 discipleship, and Wednesday evening events. But you’ll also find prayer in out of the way places like the parking lot, hallways, and wherever else our members minister to one another, springing up organically from our life together.
Wednesday Prayer Service & Bible Study
Wednesday evenings after the Fellowship Meal, church members and guests gather in the chapel for a time of prayer and devotion followed by a lesson. Lessons range in from in-depth study of passages of Scripture to church history to cultural topics worth exploring in order to deepen our walk as believers. This is a great way to get to know other members better, pray for their needs, and take time to thank God for providing for us.
Prayer Room
Additionally, we have a dedicated prayer room where members and guests are welcome to quietly meditate on scripture or pray. This room can be used by individuals or in small groups.

1-on-1 Discipleship
Following Jesus is not a DIY project! In his grace, God has given us fellow believers to help us along the way. In one-on-one discipling relationships, two Christians of the same sex meet to study Scripture, pray, and hold each other accountable. The discipling meetings center on discussion and application of a spiritually rich book or Bible passage and are appended by prayer. They provide a safe place in which we can confess our sins and help each other to grow in our obedience to God.

Small Groups
Small groups are one of the ways we facilitate mutual discipleship among our members. Small groups help members grow in their walk with Jesus through three basic practices:
Word and prayer
Apart from these three basic practices, our small groups take a variety of forms. Some groups are large (30-40 people) while others are small (3+ people). Some groups meet on Sunday morning on our campus, while others meet in members’ homes during the week. Some groups are structured more like a classroom, while others are centered around group discussions. With a large variety of options, you are sure to find a group that works for you.
With few exceptions, small groups are open to anyone. As much as possible, we want our small groups to reflect the diversity of the whole congregation since one of the major implications of the Gospel is learning to love people unlike us. Exceptions include a few age-specific and gender-specific groups, which are helpful for facilitating open confession and accountability.
For help finding a small group, you can ask one of our greeters on Sunday morning or click the button below to send us an email.

Birth - 6th Grade
We believe that God has called us as a church community to come alongside parents and share the good news of Jesus with the next generation. Since we believe parents have primary responsibility for the discipleship of their children, our ministry is designed to supplement, rather than replace, parental discipleship.
We offer age-specific ministries with engaging, biblical teaching and activities for every stage of development.
Weekly Activities
Sundays 9 AM - 10 AM
During our Sunday morning Small Groups hour, childcare and Sunday School classes are provided for children aged birth through 6th grade.
Sundays 10:30 AM - 12 PM
During our Sunday worship gathering, childcare is provided for children aged birth through 3 years old. Children are taught to respond in worship to God in ways that are appropriate to their age, thus preparing them for when they join their parents in our regular worship gathering.
Wednesdays 6 PM - 7 PM
During our Wednesday evening Bible studies, childcare and special learning activities are provided for children 5 years old and younger.
Preteen Camp
Every summer, we provide our 3rd - 6th graders with an opportunity to grow in their faith through a special week of worship, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Preteen camp is a wonderful time for our students to know God and one another in the context of God’s beautiful creation. With a variety of fun outdoor activities, students can also kick back and have fun.
Members of our church also provide a number of less formal activities for our preteens throughout the year, including cooking classes and camping, hiking, and canoeing trips.

7th - 12th Grade
We provide a number of opportunities for middle school and high school students to grow in their relationship with Jesus. The most important of these is our weekly worship gathering. Most of our small groups are open to students as well, along with opportunities for one-on-one discipleship and volunteer service. In addition to these, there are several teen-specific resources available.
Monthly Activities
Sundays 9 AM - 10 AM
Our teens gather each Sunday during our Small Groups hour to read Scripture, pray, and fellowship under the leadership of one of our pastors.
Wednesdays 6 PM - 7 PM
We encourage our teens to participate in our Wednesday evening Bible studies, which cover a variety of topics relevant to their relationship with Christ.
Lunches monthly
On the last Sunday of each month, our teens gather for lunch in members’ homes, at local restaurants, or on our campus. These lunches provide a great opportunity for fellowship and for teen guests and members to get to know each other.
Teen Camp
Every summer, we provide our 7th - 12th graders with an opportunity to grow in their faith through a special week of worship, Bible study, prayer, and fellowship. Teen camp is a wonderful time for our students to know God and one another in the context of God’s beautiful creation. With a variety of fun outdoor activities, students can also kick back and have fun.
Members of our church also provide a number of less formal activities for our teens throughout the year, including cooking classes and camping, hiking, and canoeing trips.