As members of a local church, we have the wonderful opportunity to experience the joy and fulfillment that comes from giving our lives for the sake of others. At LHBC, there are as many ways to serve as there are people. We love discovering together the unique gifts and opportunities God has provided for our members to serve in this church. If you’re interested in serving after checking out the opportunities below, contact us to find the right place for you, using the button below.

Serve the Church
One of the beautiful things about being part of the Body of Christ is the way in which believers share each other’s burdens and minister to each other’s needs through the power of the Spirit. While all Christians are called to serve, our deacons play a special role in meeting the needs of our members, especially the poor, the weak, the sick, and the lonely. There are numerous opportunities to come alongside them as you find your place of service. These include the following areas of service, each of which is overseen by one of our deacons and an assistant deacon:
Preparing and distributing the Lord’s Supper for worship gatherings.
Ushering members and guests at worship gatherings.
Connecting benevolence funds to individuals with pressing financial needs.
Counting and recording tithes and offerings made to the church.
Greeting members and guests as they arrive to our campus.
Providing audio/visual services during our gatherings.
Ministering to our homebound members.
Serving members with a variety of needs.
Coordinating churchwide picnics and other fellowships.
Providing security services during our gatherings.

Serve the Community
Our church partners with several ministries to help meet needs in the Dallas community. These ministries have expertise and relationships we don’t have, and we are able to provide financial support and volunteers to help them in their work.
Cornerstone Community Development Corporation
CCDC is a ministry of Cornerstone Baptist Church in South Dallas. It offers a variety of community services, including food, clothing, shower facilities, and housing to the homeless and others in need. There are a variety of ways to serve at CCDC. You can find out more information about CCDC here.
Thrive Women’s Clinic
Thrive Women’s Clinic offers support, help, and resources for women facing unintended pregnancies. Services are provided at no charge and with no insurance required. There are a variety of ways for both men and women to serve at Thrive, including lay counseling, serving as a client advocate, and providing office assistance. Our church also supports Thrive by participating in the annual Baby Bottle Fundraising Campaign. Learn more about Thrive here.
White Rock Center of Hope
White Rock Center of Hope offers a number of services to those in need, including a food pantry, a clothing closet, financial assistance, and career education. Members can get involved through donations and various volunteer opportunities. Find out more here.